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Imagem de: Apps do Android estão cada vez mais populares no Chrome OS

Android apps are getting more and more popular on Chrome OS

After the launch of Android 12 in October, it looks like Google has its eye on the big screens. According to an annual retrospective released Monday (20), on Canal Dev do Chrome OS, “considering Chromebooks onlyThe number of users interacting with Android apps has increased by 50%” in the past year.

The company is using the Chromebook YoY (Year by Year) scale to rate laptops that use Google’s operating system – Chrome OS – and “interact with Android apps” in the 2020-2021 period. In May, according to the publication, the use of the operating system grew by 92% compared to the previous year, which is “five times the rate of the PC market”, that is, competing with Windows, macOS and Linux.

Source: Chrome) Cana Dev / Disclosure.source: ChromeOs Canal Dev

What does Google’s annual retrospective say?

The post from Canal Dev also helped Google show some sort of summary of what it was doing to improve the Android experience on Chrome OS:

  • Android 11 version: “Continuous update for everyone Chromebooks To support Android 11″;
  • Android Apps window optimization: In Chrome 93+ with Android 11, Mobile Apps locks into a phone or tablet-sized window, with a Resizable Tweak in the top bar;
  • sharing approx On Android apps: Available on Chrome 96+, with both Android 9 and version 11;
  • Low Latency Pen Library: “The API reduces latency by displaying pen strokes directly through the hardware composer and predicting where the next portion of the stroke will be drawn.”

The retrospective concludes with a statement from the developers: “Our priority is to find ways to deliver better experiences to every user. We will continue to release easy-to-use tools and guides in 2022.”

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