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Ceará tem aumento de 153,2% casos de arboviroses nas cinco primeiras semanas do ano(foto: Divulgação/Prefeitura de Barbalha)

Ciara had a 153.2% increase in arbovirus cases in the first five weeks of the year

Reports of arbovirus cases, such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika, in Ceará recorded growth in the first five weeks of 2022 compared to the same period last year. The jump went from 738 to 1,869 iterations, which is an increase of 153.2%.

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The increase in arbovirus notifications in the state was driven by suspected cases of dengue, which grew from 667 to 1,470, and chikungunya, which jumped from 66 to 392. Zika notifications decreased from 15 to 7.

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The highest rate in the state so far was in Barbala, in the Karire district, as well as being the first municipality to require an ultra-low volume (UBV) method, known as fumarcê, according to information from the Sesa Health Department. ).

Spraying is also carried out based on emergency requests from municipalities after conducting an epidemiological analysis. Other municipalities in the Carrere region are monitored by Sesa, such as Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Brejo Santo.

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