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“Flor Sem Tempo” Summary: Belmiro discovers that his daughter stole him and makes a radical decision

“Flor Sem Tempo” Summary: Belmiro discovers that his daughter stole him and makes a radical decision

You can now watch the full episode of the soap, exclusively, on SIC OPTO’s streaming platform

Catarina shows her mother the report that Messi gave her and Leonor becomes very nervous. Her daughter asks her to calm down and says it might be nothing, but it’s better to know. Vasco’s ex-girlfriend also tells Leonor that Fernando went to see her and she thinks she is wrong about him and that he is not over Luis María and Eduardo. The cook wants to know what he wants from her and the young woman says she is tired of arguing and would rather not have that conversation.

Vittoria asks her daughter not to tell Bruno anything about what happened with the family. Cayetana says she has no secrets with her boyfriend, and besides, if he doesn’t find out, another journalist will. The businesswoman does not understand how her mother managed to stay married to her father, but Vittoria replies that Eduardo is the man of her life.

Giulietta tells Philippa that she has received the salary advance she requested. The girl replies sadly, and her boss finds the lack of enthusiasm strange. Philippa thanks her, saying it will help her a lot and ends up asking her to leave. The pharmacist lets her go and goes to Kremilda, who is restocking the shelves.

Belmiro goes to the restaurant and asks Carla if she can find out who used it from the card statement. The girl looks at the consumption and says that the person who consumed it is Philippa. The man becomes very nervous – Graca’s suspicions seem to be confirmed – and says, embarrassed, that he has forgotten that he lent his daughter the card.

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Rosa complains to her friend that she hates working with Cayetana and that the conference in Gondomar would be good for her to get rid of her boss for a while, even though it came at a bad time. Antonio comments that divorce is also difficult for his son. The winemaker says he cheated on his wife with a friend while Claudia did everything she could to make the marriage work. Antonio says that his son also puts up with a lot of things from Claudia, and Rosa gets excited.

Vasco asks his uncle what he intends to do to compensate his grandfather for the theft. Luis María says that he has no intention of doing anything and that his nephew should have denied to the end that he knew everything. Fernando’s grandson says he won’t continue to pretend he’s innocent after he’s caught, and his uncle admits he never forgave his grandfather for making him sign a prenuptial agreement when he married Maddalena. Vasco says his grandfather did a good job because he turned out to be a thief. The villain leaves, leaving the threat in the air that the thief might be better off.

Catarina sees Henrique passing by and goes up to him and asks him if he knows what illness her nephew might be suffering from. The doctor tells him that he has never treated a condition before, but he has a friend who specializes in genetic diseases and he can try to make an appointment with him. The girl is very grateful to him and the guy calls his friend, saying that he will give him the credentials for all the tests that Jorge will have to take, so that they already have all the information they need when they go to the appointment.

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Belmiro confronts Felipa about stealing the card. The daughter still tries to act stupid, pretending that she returned the card to her father after buying Jamie a gift, but he gets emotional and tells her it’s not worth lying anymore, because he knows where she spent the money. Touzet’s ex-girlfriend admits she got out of control and apologizes, saying she will return all the money. However, Belmiro is very excited and tells her that things will not be solved that easily, because he wants her to leave the house. Philippa is in shock.

*Episode summary is subject to change depending on the series version

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