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Maceo resumes vaccination against COVID-19 for pregnant and postpartum women without comorbidities

Maceo resumes vaccination against COVID-19 for pregnant and postpartum women without comorbidities

The target audience can go to the eight vaccination points to be vaccinated

To receive a dose of the Covid-19 immunization agent, simply go to one of the eight vaccination points. Photo: Secom Maceió

Pregnant and postpartum women, without comorbidities, from the city of Maceió aged 18 or over can be vaccinated against Covid-19. Starting from Saturday (10), the target audience will be able to search for vaccination points to ensure the vaccination factor.

According to the Ministry of Health, it is necessary for a pregnant woman in any pregnancy, from the age of 18, to submit a prescription with a specialist’s indication to take the vaccine, as well as for women after childbirth, until 45 days after delivery.

Maceió has eight vaccination points, and this weekend the Jaraguá Parking and Federal Justice (Serraria), Shopping Maceió (Mangabeiras) and Shopping Pátio will be open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm; And Praça Padre Cícero (in Benedito Bentes), Papódromo (Vergel), Osman Loureiro Terminal and Ginásio Arivaldo Maia (Jacintinho) will be open during normal business hours, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

In addition to vaccination points, pregnant and postpartum women can also be vaccinated on the vaccination bus, which will be on Saturday (10) in Ponta Verde, in front of Alagoinha.

Necessary documents

For a pregnant woman, it is necessary to establish the state of pregnancy, which can be done using the Pregnant / Prenatal Monitor Card. Indeed, mothers must provide a birth certificate or permit for the child.

In addition, they must also provide an identity document with a photo and CPF, proof of residency (original and copy), as well as a medical prescription.

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Stefan Ferreira / Secom Maceo