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Insólito! Concorrente do “Preço Certo” chora ao ser escolhida: “Isto é muita emoção!”

abnormal! The contestant of “Preço Certo” exclaims when chosen: “That’s a lot of emotion!”

On Wednesday, November 16, “The Price Is Right” had at least one iconic contestant. Esperança Pereira was among those chosen to play, and when he heard his name, he couldn’t contain his emotions.

In a conversation with Fernando Mendez, the contestant was in tears about the fact that she was chosen and ended up telling a little bit of her life story. “This is an emotion! I am unemployed, of course I am unemployed, only my husband works. I have a 17-year-old son (…). My whole family is in Canada, we are a very big family, there were 12 of us, there are 9 Of us and I already have 60 or more nephews (…) and others in Switzerland and I want to send kisses to all of them.”He began to say, in conversation with the presenter.

Esperança was, then, the closest to the right price for the last item and was therefore next to Fernando Mendes who plays “X Secreto”, having also been pulled to go to the final show: “O Fernando, I was already with you in Benecar with Toy, God bless him (…) Please help me, poor thing (…) Oh Fernando, please help me there!”he said at one point.

The contestant only ended up winning a pair of sunglasses, but she definitely made it into “history” as one of the show’s most iconic contestants, starring in unprecedented moments.

Look here at 26:55.