Women inspire women. It was no surprise, then, that students from the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) began looking at the biologist with even greater admiration. tami korea After being identified with Latin American Prize for Women in ScienceMade by 3M. in April, Tami was one of the 25 recognized Brazilian scientists on the continent To form a family of enzymes capable of breaking down PET plastic, mitigating its disposal and accumulation in the environment. “Winning any award for the research I do is so rewarding, this award went so far, as it made me achieve the goal of inspiring the next generation of young scientists. I felt it became tangible for my students, who, if someone who was there, represented them, Very soon celebrates biology, who, with appreciation, has been invited to speak at York University, UK, where she can discuss their motivations, inspirations, experiences and aspirations with a diverse audience.Now, she is encouraging other women in science and technology to sign up for the third edition of 25 Women In science in Latin America, which can be done on the project site.
Since 2020, the initiative has been seeking to feature women in science initiatives and the impacts they have on societies to continue inspiring girls, youth and women across the region to study STEM subjects (in Portuguese, STEM). The goal is to show the importance of their participation in fields that have long been considered exclusively for men: UNESCO data shows that, worldwide, women represent only 35% of those pursuing higher education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and less than 30% of scientific researchers . Gender imbalance reduces possibilities for innovation and new perspectives to meet current and future challenges.
“One of our goals as an innovation and applied science company is to continue to lead the conversation around women’s empowerment and the importance of gender diversity in scientific fields, which many, even today, consider to be primarily masculine activities. We want new generations of girls to be inspired by professionals in the field and also to be able to contribute great visions to society and their community.Commented Marcia Ferraris, Technical Director at 3M and the WLF-Tech (Women’s Leadership Forum or, in Portuguese, Women’s Leadership Forum) leader for 3M Latin America’s tech field.
The 25 scientists awarded in 2023 will be selected on February 11, a date that marks the anniversary of International Day of Women and Girls in ScienceAfter evaluating the jury that will analyze, among other things, the potential for direct or indirect social impact of each research project in the area. The innovation and feasibility of the project, the maturity of the idea demonstrated by the results of the tests or first pilots, the candidate’s ability and experience in its development and any problems to be resolved will also be evaluated.
Anyone wishing to be of legal age must be born and have graduated or reside in a Latin American country; Be the author or co-lead of at least one project with at least one prototype/test pilot of a science innovation idea based on STEM; They have documentation attesting to the intellectual property and/or institutional belief to be involved in the project they are applying for, as well as having a passion for networking and projecting science from a feminist perspective and, above all, supporting women’s empowerment in the field of STEM specializations.
“For me, being selected as one of the 25 women in science in Latin America has renewed my hopes and also given me immense joy. Unfortunately, it is still very common to hear that we women do not have the skills or competency to meet more specific challenges in the fields of science, technology and engineering. and mathematics, which leads us to set back and disadvantages in favor of men in positions of greater importance and importance,” she says. Rosângela Silqueira RiosIt was recognized in 2022 for identifying new targets and developing new drugs for the treatment of schistosomiasis by molecular conjugation. She notes that although about 20% of women are discouraged from working in the region, initiatives such as this award are important to “refresh morale” and enhance women’s representation in the scientific and technological field. Scream “More Women in Science!”
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