Sunday, September 15, 2024
HomesportBall - Ball Poll: Answer and Argue (Ball)

Ball – Ball Poll: Answer and Argue (Ball)

Published on

After the interaction we intend to carry out with the readers of the different platforms of the A BOLA universe, we have launched a new challenge for you.

In addition to the section Correio do Leitor, which we publish daily on the pages of the paper edition and in which you can continue to participate by sending your opinions to [email protected], we also want to invite our readers to participate, in a more direct and, above all, high, in the discussion of topics that characterize the current state of sport in Portugal.

To this end, here in the online version of A BOLA we have launched a daily survey, with a simple answer question (yes or no), in which we intend, in addition to asking you whether you agree with an idea or not, to justify your answer. Simply leave your answer to the question we asked you (yes or no) in the comment box associated with the news, and then state the reason(s) in a comment of no more than 300 characters. Support your opinion.

The top three from each option (yes or no) will be published in the paperback version of A BOLA the next day, with the alias (for comment you have to register at corresponding to the person writing it.

to share! Because your opinion matters.

See also  Pepe: “I will be honest with Porto if I cannot continue for another year.”

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