Beware of Ash’s greatest principle – opinion

Beware of Ash’s greatest principle – opinion

Assisted Reproductive Specialist and Director of Clnica Vilara

In October last year, the scientific journal The Lancet published the first study indicating that the male reproductive system can be negatively affected by Sars-CoV-2. The post reports that the pathogens responsible for COVID-19 affect sperm formation, and the sperm production process. The researchers also noted edema and exudation in the red blood cells, as well as thinning of the cell layers covering the testis and epiddimos (the place where sperm is stored).

In January of this year, Reproduction published a survey supporting the Lancet article. The study indicated “direct evidence at the present time that infection with the emerging corona virus (Covid-19) impairs the quality of toxins and the reproductive capacity of males.” However, care must be taken when making such a statement, as the new Corona virus is not fully known yet and must be analyzed Many questions about the validity of the effects caused.

The medical community is already aware that infection with any virus temporarily affects the production of male gametes, mainly due to the effects of mumps and the Zika virus on men’s reproductive health. In some cases, the sperm count of people infected with pathogens reaches zero and tends to stay that way for a few weeks or months.

However, the cloning article does not clarify whether the volunteers participating in the research have been infected with any other virus in the past few months, leaving doubts about the “evidence” the study provided. The post reveals that it compared 105 vulnerable men not infected with COVID-19 with 84 vulnerable men who tested positive for the new coronavirus, and analyzed participants’ smile at 10-day intervals for 60 days. Therefore, they concluded that there was a significant increase in inflammation and oxidative stress in the sperm cells belonging to men with Sars-CoV-2, further indicating that the concentration, motility and shape of the sperms were modified in these men.

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The news of these two studies spread around the world through major media, but it is worth emphasizing the importance of caution at times like these.

Overall, a limited number of research has been conducted on the relationship between the novel coronavirus and male reproductive health. In order to reach an accurate conclusion, science requires more studies, sampling, investigations, tests, analyzes and, above all, provocations that encourage researchers to present well-founded and coherent arguments.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that public authorities protect science, through financial investments for the sector, or even through incentives and recognition from professionals, who are dedicating themselves to a better future. In the event of doubt about fertility, a specialist must be consulted to obtain clarifications and conduct the necessary examinations.

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."