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Black Ops 6 has been confirmed as the new game in the series

Black Ops 6 has been confirmed as the new game in the series

The game was confirmed by Activision through advertisements in an American newspaper, after launching a teaser website

May 23
– 8:09 pm

(Updated at 8:27 p.m.)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Rather, it will be the next game in the popular shooting series. After many rumors about the official title of the game, the company itself Activision Blizzard She confirmed the name when starting her marketing campaign for the game.

Image: Reproduction/Activision Blizzard/Canaltech

The truth lies in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (Image: Reproduction/Activision Blizzard)

The truth lies in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (Image: Reproduction/Activision Blizzard)

Photo: ChannelTech

The promotion began with a teaser showing people invading the Mount Rushmore area to place signs of presidents' faces on the monument with the phrase “Truth Lies” – “the truth lies” in a free translation.

This led many people to, where the screen displays this video and other channels, with videos of people putting up posters bearing an image of the vandalized Mount Rushmore and how many monuments around the world have received similar treatment.

the next Call of duty It is one of the most important games in the series, as it represents the first release in the series after Activision Blizzard acquired it Microsoft.

Confirmation in newspapers

To emphasize that yes, we are talking about new Call of duty, USA Today received a page-long campaign, reporting on acts of vandalism at monuments. Moreover, there are fictional observations about how families are divided by fights between politicians who make nothing but empty promises and the same promises seen in the videos.

And to confirm it all, the newspaper pages clearly featured the logo and Call of Duty Black Ops 6 For anyone who wants to see. So, if there were any doubts, the post has put them all to rest.

Given that we are on the cusp of the Xbox Showcase, the show that Microsoft will hold on June 9 to introduce new features for its games, it makes sense to announce the new Call of duty Start now to have the trailer revealed at the event. Ironically, this started in a newspaper published in 2024.

Not much is known yet about the plot of the new game, but promotional materials suggest a direct attack on institutions, which end up using people as weapons against each other, while the powerful keep their power intact behind the scenes.

Rumors indicate that the game is scheduled to be released in October 2024, per… Xbox Series S/X and PC, as for PlayStation 5. The big question is whether Microsoft will confirm this title It will arrive on Xbox Game Pass at launch Or whether you will choose another franchising strategy.

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