hundreds of meteors from Rain Eta Aquarids They were captured last week by surveillance cameras in the south of the country – in Monte Castillo (SC), for example, 300 of them were recorded shining in the sky during the dawn of May 5th. This phenomenon is caused by debris left by Halley’s Comet, which is burned up as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere.
In theory, the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil have the best conditions for monitoring rain. However, the weather was unfavorable there, so it was a sight meteors It ended up scoring better in the south of the country.
paying off:
The images were obtained by astronomer Josemar Justino de Sousa. He said in an interview with CanaltechWhich highlights that the largest number of meteors was recorded on the fifth day.
The next morning, there was a decrease in the amount of meteors in the sky. He noted that “in the early hours of the sixth day, that number dropped to 40.” According to Marcelo Zurita, astronomer and technical director of the Brazilian Meteor Observation Network (Pramón), Eta Aquarids rain should be visible until May 12, but at lower intensity.
Eta Aquarids meteor shower
at meteor showers Caused by tiny fragments of comets, space rocks that orbit the Sun in highly elliptical paths (that is, they move away from our star before they come back). Comets are mainly made of ice that evaporates as they approach the Sun. As a result, dust and rock particles are torn off and scattered along the comet’s path.
Thus, meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through this cloud of fragments – in the case of Eta Aquarids, debris left behind Halley’s Cometthe object that provided a real spectacle in the sky in 1986. This is a periodic comet, returning to Earth’s vicinity every 75 years.
If conditions are right, meteors can be seen even with the naked eye. “Because it is so fast, it can quickly leave the field of view of the equipment. With the naked eye, you can follow its passage more efficiently,” Souza explained.
Source: via: a sheet
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