The government behind the Chinese Communist Party. It’s time for a tougher line.
You should say no: Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store must ensure a tougher stand against human rights abuses in China. Photo: Martin Silvest/Ritzau Scanpix/NTP
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boss: This is an editorial from Dagbladet, and expresses the views of the newspaper. Dagbladet’s political editor is responsible for the editorial.
This weekend, it became clear that John Lee had won the “election” In Hong Kong with 99% of the vote in favour. He is chosen by the regime in Beijing and will dance to their tunes.
The election of the former police officer and security chief appears to be another attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to weaken the human rights situation in Hong Kong.
China is not what it used to be. All signs of freedom have been erased by the iron hand that rules the kingdom. The country is constantly moving in the direction of a dictatorship with complete control over the country’s population. Not so much power has been concentrated in one hand since the early days of the Communist Party as it has with current President Xi Jinping.
In the midst of this dark development, Solberg’s government lay on its back for the Communist Party. Store at rest.
After the Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2010 We got the Peace Prize for Chinese regime critic Liu Xiaobo, and we ended up in the so-called freeze box. All official channels between Norway and China have been suspended.
Six years later we signed normalization agreement. The two-page agreement is a shocking read, and contains mostly Norwegian concessions and tributes to Chinese development.
Since the agreement was signed, several foreign ministers have emphasized that Norway can continue to criticize the Chinese regime. Of course this is just nonsense. They don’t dare.
The human rights situation in Hong Kong It is far from the only reason why the agreement should be terminated.
Freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the rule of law are concepts unknown to most Chinese. China is likely to execute more people than any other country combined. Uyghurs, a Muslim minority, are housed in concentration camps and I was subjected to genocide.
Before Russia went to all-out war against Ukraine, Rasmus Hanson stood in the rostrum of the European Parliament and asked if anyone in the House of Representatives would sign an agreement not to criticize the Russian regime. Nobody will, and it shows how ridiculous the agreement with China is.
Naive accusations of an ever-increasing number An aggressive and authoritarian Russia should apply to China as well. He is becoming more and more vocal, more and more violating human rights and, like Russia, trying to control his own rights. area of interest. One day they may invade Taiwan. It is possible that the defenders of the normalization agreement will remain silent.
Diplomacy will go a long way, but Norway’s relations with China are just naive. Store must say no to China, and end his predecessor’s embarrassing normalization agreement.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”