Home Tech DECO and BEUC have filed a complaint with EU authorities over unfair practices by online gaming companies.

DECO and BEUC have filed a complaint with EU authorities over unfair practices by online gaming companies.

DECO and BEUC have filed a complaint with EU authorities over unfair practices by online gaming companies.

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BEUC's alert to the European Commission and the European Network of Consumer Authorities (CPC-Network) explains how to do this. The video game industry is maximizing consumer spending with the use of premium virtual currencies. Specifically, BEUC and its members have identified the following:

  • Consumers are unable to see the true cost of digital goods, leading to overspending: In-game purchases must always be offered in real money (such as Euros) or at least display the real currency equivalent.
  • Companies' claims that players prefer premium currencies are false: Many consumers consider this step unnecessary and misleading, and would rather purchase items directly with real money.
  • Consumers are often disenfranchised when using in-game premium currency.linked to unfair terms of use, in favor of game developers.
  • Children are more vulnerable to these manipulative methods. Data shows that European children spend an average of €39 per month on in-game purchases.

Over the past few years, Video game companies have developed business models that increasingly rely on in-game purchases, including in-game currency. Premium currencies are widely present in games on the market. A review of the 50 most played video games in 2023 shows that 21 of them (42%) include premium currencies. Of these 21 games, 8 are rated 12 or under.

The issues highlighted in this alert extend beyond video games and also apply to social media platforms and other markets. Better implementation of the legal framework to protect consumer rights in the video games sector and more regulation are essential. In the coming years.

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