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Did the return of “5 to Midnight” please the audience?  reactions

Did the return of “5 to Midnight” please the audience? reactions

a Season 20 of 5 Para A Meia Noite premiered last night, October 12, and is now directed by Gilmario Vimba.

The first episode of this new phase of the format has been recorded but there is no certainty yet that it will continue that way. Especially since this was one of the criticisms highlighted on social media. Most viewers liked the return, as well as the new presenter, but highlighted the fact that the broadcast was not live.

On the first night of the format, Gilmario welcomed into the studio his predecessor, Filomena Cutila, who was one of the first hosts of the talk show, in 2009. In 2011, Filomena left the position but resumed it in 2016, after being on the program for more than four years. Years.

The reporter, interviewed by Gilmario, noted that the greatest difficulty she felt during this period was having to find new ideas every week and that unpredictability is the greatest asset of ‘5 Para A Meia Noite’.

Regarding “Programa Cautelar”, her latest challenge, Filomena says it is the “biggest headache” she has ever faced. “It is very difficult and requires months of research on a topic,” the actress explained.

Gilmario Vimba then welcomed Candido Costa, one of the stars of Taskmaster’s second cast, as well as singer Evandro, who sang in the studio.

“Very good”, “Everything is going well”, “I loved the show” and “More to come” are some examples of comments left by viewers on the chat show’s Instagram posts. Regarding Gilmario’s performance, criticism is scarce, as the quality of the Angolan comedian’s jokes stands out.

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See photos from the first episode of the final season of “5 Para A Meia Noite” in the gallery. The full stream is available on RTP Play.

Read also: Nilton remembers the beginning of “5 Para Meia-Noite” and supports the new presenter

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