Donald Trump – a statement that causes a stir

Donald Trump – a statement that causes a stir

Reuters news agency POLITICO Reproduces Britton's description of the conversation in January 2020.

Britton himself was present during the meeting between Trump and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

“You have to understand that if Europe is attacked, we will never come and help you and support you,” Trump said, according to Britton.

The United States against itself

– By the way, NATO is dead, and we want to withdraw from NATO, as the American President is said to have added.

Demands were made on Germany

Trump also reportedly demanded $400 billion, which he believes Germany should have paid for a defense boost.

In the fall, Trump hopes to be elected president of the United States again. Reuters requested comment from his campaign team but has not yet received a response.

During a speech to Republicans in Anaheim, California, presidential candidate Donald Trump harshly attacked President Joe Biden, who he believes is too old and fragile to lead the country. Video: X/Reuters. Reporter: Christina Corneliussen
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Breton is the EU Internal Market Commissioner. He spoke about the meeting in 2020 during a panel discussion in the European Union Parliament on Tuesday.

– This came as a big surprise. Britton said of Trump that he could return.

It will strengthen the defense

As the EU commissioner responsible for industrial policy, Breton said the EU must strengthen its defence, according to Politico. He has, among other things Proposal A €100 billion fund to boost the defense industry and weapons production.

- Very scary consequences

– Very scary consequences

The Frenchman said on Tuesday that European Union countries now know that they must manage matters on their own. He stressed that they must be prepared “for whatever happens.”

– He only cares about himself

A spokesman for US President Joe Biden's campaign team made the following comment on Trump's statements, which were reproduced by Britton:

The idea that he will leave our allies in the lurch if he doesn't get his way confirms what we already know about Donald Trump: The only person he cares about is himself.

According to Reuters, Trump has not yet said much about the type of foreign policy he would pursue if he became president of the United States again. He has commented on the Ukraine war and claimed that he, as president, would end it within 24 hours.

See also  Trump is attacked because of his age - VG

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."