Europe must be ready – VG

Europe must be ready – VG
Grohnde nuclear power plant in Emmerthal in northwestern Germany. Several of them were critical when they were closed in the middle of an electricity crisis.

At the same time that Russia restricts gas supplies, nuclear power plants in Germany will be closed.


This week, Germany stepped into “phase two” in its gas crisis plan.

Gas is simply becoming scarce, and European countries are struggling to replenish their energy reserves in the coming winter.

Less gas must be used to produce electricity. In one it is said that more coal-fired power plants will have to be used statement From the German Ministry of Trade and Industry on Sunday.

Russia has recently slowed gas supplies to a number of European Union countries. German authorities consider it an economic attack.

Germany, the Netherlands and Austria want to burn more coal energy. Italy is the same. Poland and Bulgaria have announced that they will continue to burn coal to ensure the stability of their energy systems, writes Energy and climate.

Close nuclear power plants

In the midst of an energy crisis, Germany plans to shut down its newest nuclear plant for good. Three power plants closed at the end of the year, and all three will close in 2022.

This policy led to the reaction of Fatih Birol, director of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

– Europe must be ready, in the event that Russian gas is completely cut off, says Birol in an interview with financial times.

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Decisive: Faith Birol, director of the International Energy Agency, is calling on European countries to delay the shutdown of nuclear power plants.

So he is very clear that he believes that no country should shut down nuclear power plants in the energy crisis that the continent is currently going through. All countries that plan to close nuclear power plants – such as Germany – are being asked to postpone the shutdown.

The closer we get to winter, the more we understand Russia’s intentions. I think the cuts are meant to prevent Europe from filling up its stockpile, and to increase Russian pressure during the winter months, he says.

Birol also believes that the energy crisis justifies some European countries reopening highly polluting coal-fired power plants, which are an important source of carbon emissions. He believes that one must remember that these emissions are now only temporary.

As of 2011, the country had 17 nuclear reactors in operation, which contributed about 25 percent of the country’s energy production. Now the country is down to five percent.

Minister will discuss nuclear energy again

The closure of nuclear power plants has been, and continues to be in part, a major debate, especially in Germany.

With the backdrop of the Ukraine war, the debate about extending the life of the last three power plants has emerged in earnest.

The conclusion was that it would be very complicated in the sense that you would need new employees, new approval processes and if you wanted enough fuel rods, says German expert Carsten Ase Nielsen.

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The former president of the Museum of Cultural History at UiO blogs about German politics and history.

There has been widespread political agreement since 2011 to continue shutting down nuclear power plants. Ase-Nielsen says the big energy companies are also generally tepid.

For the past 10 years, they’ve been building offshore wind and everything but nuclear power. They planned, laid off people, and built.

Minority: Christian Lindner’s party, the FDP, is at least in the ruling coalition with the Social Democrats and the Green Party least friendly with nuclear weapons.

For its part, the Nuclear Energy Industry Association claims that it is quite possible to implement what is required within the year. Recently, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner left for Germany Nuclear energy should be discussed.

– Had there really been a political will in Germany to decide on extending the operating period of the three nuclear power plants that are still in operation, I think it would have been possible. I’m sure of that, says Asi Nielsen.

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."