Home Economy Facebook has 10,000 jobs to build the metaverse

Facebook has 10,000 jobs to build the metaverse

Facebook has 10,000 jobs to build the metaverse

Facebook recently announced that it will create 10,000 new jobs in the European Union (EU) over the next five years and put the region at the center of its plans to help build the metaverse.

The social network asserts that Europe is “very important” to the company and “this is an exciting time for European technology.”

Metaverso: An online world where users can communicate, play and work in a virtual environment

“Facebook is at the beginning of a journey to help build the next computing platform” and “with people and other entities” is “developing a so-called metaverse: this is an ambitious project that aims to create virtual spaces for people who are not physically together, through the use of technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality,” the company recently revealed.

At the heart of the metaverse is the idea that by creating a greater sense of 'virtual presence', 'online' interaction can become much closer to the experience of in-person interaction.

For the social network, the metaverse "has the potential to help unlock access to new creative, social and economic opportunities" and Facebook believes Europeans will shape the equation from the start.

Facebook notes that the EU has "a number of advantages that make it a great place to invest in technology companies - a large consumer market, top universities, and above all, high-quality talent." According to Facebook, Spain has record levels of investment in “startups” that solve everything, from online grocery delivery to neuroelectronics, while Sweden is on track to become the world’s first cashless society in 2023.”

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Facebook also stresses that the EU "plays an important role in defining new internet rules" and that European lawmakers are "leading the way in helping to embody European values ​​such as freedom of expression, privacy, transparency and individual rights in the day-to-day work of the internet".


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