Next Sunday, the new edition of Who wants to date a farmer?Presented by Andrea Rodriguez. On Monday, September 5, some farmers entered from other seasons happy home to talk with Diana Chaves And the Joao BaiaoIncluding Francisco Martinsknown as Chico das Aventuras.
The farmer finished the special edition of “Tudo Por Tudo” in love Vanessa Ferrarathat moved from Corroios to Navió. “The last one went the best because Fortunately I found my better half. We’ve been together since the first day I saw her, was clicked. It was in order to combine the useful with the pleasant: she is a veterinarian, and I am a farmer … “He said as you can see over here.
Tatiana, from “Who Wants to Date with the Farmer”, is pregnant for the second time
After one year, The couple is preparing to welcome their first child together. “I’m getting ready to be a father. To be born now, I have butterflies in my stomach. He is born and already has a name: Thomasand Tomás das Aventuras and everything stays together in Quinta das Aventuras”revealed and added: “I have to go to training. [a mudar fraldas]”.
Remember that even photos of the farmer making the marriage proposal were revealed, but at the time, it was not made official due to an unexpected event with the engagement ring. “It was a disgrace, because I made a mistake and didn’t buy a pearl. Normally an engagement ring should have been a pearl, but there was no ring for her finger. There was only one and so I said ‘go for this'”he told the duo presented in December last year.
“Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver.”