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For months, top-secret documents lay there.  With the 37-year-old, the intelligence failure became a reality.

For months, top-secret documents lay there. With the 37-year-old, the intelligence failure became a reality.

And the “Donbass girl” published a post containing four confidential documents. Then the Russian warmongers did not hesitate.

The “girl from Donbass” has now been identified as a 37-year-old woman from the United States.

The 37-year-old says she is from Russian-occupied Donbass in Ukraine. She speaks English with a Russian accent. But she is actually from New Jersey and has a background in the US Army.

And it plays a major role in one of the largest intelligence scandals in the United States, which 21-year-old Jacques Teixeira is accused of being behind.

A new person associated with the failure of American intelligence. Provides important answers to how American secrets ended up in the hands of Russian warmongers.

The investigation began

Here’s some potentially interesting intelligence. This is what was stated in the post on the Telegram account Donbas Devushka (translated as “Girl from Donbass”). The post was published on April 5 and contained four document files.

The four documents are part of the leak of hundreds of highly classified documents from the US military. For months it was circulating on various Discord channels. Discord is a social medium widely used by computer game enthusiasts.

But only when the “girl from Donbass” posted it on Telegram, the documents spread with the wind – and the US authorities launched an investigation.

writes both Russian And American media.

He speaks with an accent

But who is this “girl from Donbass”? In recent weeks, cyber warriors around the world have taken a closer look at the account that made the intelligence failure a reality. There were analysts and activists from it The pro-Ukrainian NAFO group Who discovered for the first time that an American was hiding behind the account.

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The Girl has many names and works on several platforms:

On Telegram, the account had 65,000 followers. On Twitter was Mila Medvedev, @luganskforlife. Other usernames are CheburekiVibes, MeatballSubZero, YuGopnik, and GhostofLugansk and she has her own podcast and YouTube channel.

Sarah Bils’ Twitter account has been active for over ten years. Now it is blocked.

On all platforms and accounts, a pro-Russian view of the world and the war in Ukraine is being conveyed.

She speaks English with a Russian accent and herself says she was born in Luhansk. It is a region of Ukraine that Russia has occupied since 2014. But research shows otherwise.

The girl from Donbass is actually Sarah Beals. She is 37 years old and she is from New Jersey, USA. She is divorced and served in the US Navy.

According to the Russian excavation site Insider Is there a marriage certificate proving that she was born in New Jersey. It is said that her parents did not understand Biles’ claim that she had ties to Russia or Ukraine.

Do not publish the post

At the end of the week, Bils herself published an interview in which she admitted that she was a girl from Donbass. However, it says the same account is run by 15 people from all over the world, according to The Wall Street Journal.

She herself says that she would not have leaked such documents and that “another administrator” was behind the publication in question.

The Wall Street Journal asked the US military if Beals himself had security clearance to recover the documents. The newspaper wrote that they had not received an official answer.

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The 21-year-old was charged

The leaked Pentagon documents, among other things, cast doubt on US support for Ukraine. They also exposed a possible NATO operation in Ukraine and showed that Russia is manipulating social media. It also shows that Taiwan would be highly vulnerable to Chinese air attack and has led to speculation about whether the Americans are spying on their allies.

In other words: the leak is a real headache for the US authorities. He spared no effort in searching for whoever leaked the documents, either. On Friday, 21-year-old Jacques Teixeira was charged and placed in remand for being behind the leak.

In court papers on Friday, it appears the Federal Police’s FBI was able to identify Teixeira with the help of payment information. It is stored on the social network platform Discord, where he posted the documents. It said the payment information was linked to his real name and residential address, which Discord had turned over to the FBI.