Rio Ave midfielder remembers the Eagles growing up
Guga has spent more than a decade associated with Benfica, from under 12s to the Reds B team. The current Rio Ave midfielder has seen his rise to the main team due to injuries that took “two years” out of his career, and with his full knowledge of the facts, he has conveyed his vision of coaching excellence. In a great national team. On this subject, he agreed to offer himself at the current Benfica, where he will play Enzo Fernandez. “The message I’ve always given since I left is that we have to make the most of the training offered to us at a big club. It’s almost mandatory to ‘award a player’ given the terms they give us, at coaches level for example, etc… It’s I went through Benfica, but I know that the big clubs are doing very well and opening many doors,” he said, speaking on Channel 11, this Wednesday. Invited to look at the current Benfica and find his role in the team if he was a player for the Eagles, Guga had no doubts. And he said, “Within the tactics and names that Benfica possesses, it will be something similar to the role played by Enzo,” stressing the “wonderful season” that the Argentine is enjoying, with a smile in the mix, making it clear that with this mention he was not conducting direct correspondence between him and a line player. Central Benfica.
Rounding out the season at Rio Ave, the 25-year-old midfielder highlighted the team’s regularity after a rocky start. “The season has gone well, both individually and collectively. We faced a very difficult schedule at the beginning, with the squad still assembling… But we gave a good response and have 18 points at the moment in League One,” he commented.
According to the log
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