Socorro France, Secretary of Human Rights in Ceará
To say that Ceará is a pioneering country is nothing new. To say that we excel in the field of education in the country is also a milestone. The union of the two has resulted in something innovative that unites public authorities with academia in joint action to improve people's lives: the Chief Scientist Programme.
The programme, developed through the Cearense Foundation for Support of Scientific and Technological Development (Funcap), has achieved many positive results and will now also work in the field of human rights.
Through education, we can make big changes in reality, put people at the center of discussions about human dignity, and produce works of social impact. Through the programme, researchers are introduced into the reality of secretariats and other government bodies to collaborate with daily public policies in a direct and innovative way, and to identify solutions that can be implemented to improve the quality of life of the population.
The partnership with the Chief Scholars Program will bring the Academy close to the Secretariat of Human Rights of Ceará (Sedih), in a project coordinated by the beloved Professor Gustavo Cabral, Director of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Together, we will develop actions that contribute to Ceara achieving greater justice and support, in the areas of work related to data analysis, the search for innovative solutions and the promotion of human rights.
Collaboration between entities allows us to expand the potential of each institution, and explore the best that each institution has to offer, in this case science and practice. Thus, even though the motivations for action come from different places, we are together toward the same goal. Therefore, the work plan for this project covers the various issues surrounding the topic and affecting the construction of public policies.
Bringing the University into the Secretariat is a huge win for our business, contributing to the policy outcomes we hope to achieve. It will not be long before we begin and implement this joint action that will advance human rights in Ceará. n
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