For several years, Ingeborg Myhre (48) has been a fixture on NRK ‘Lotto’ broadcasts, thus becoming a familiar and beloved face to many Norwegians. She was also one of the participants in the first season of ‘The Celebrity Farm’.

Embarrassing and insulting
Myhre, like many other Norwegians, took time off and told TV 2 about some of their summer’s best and worst memories. One of the memories he brings up is of a somewhat frightening experience she had on an airplane.
She says she was once on a plane, where a wing broke off before they could take off. When Dagbladet picked up the thread, Myhre conceded that it was a bad accident.
– Not funny
– Can you tell me what happened?
– It was very dramatic, but it’s been a long time since it happened. We were on vacation in the Philippines and are going to fly to Hong Kong, a regular and big scheduled trip. As we were exiting the airport, someone shouted: “The wing is broken” (in Norwegian, wing is broken, editor’s note).
Moreover, the 48-year-old explained that the staff on the plane had not yet seen that the wing was broken, but they believed they had noticed it.

– I was terrified. It was absolutely terrible. We had to get off the plane and wait several hours for travel, and then the little plane was a type I’m not very fond of.
The accident happened nearly 20 years ago, says Mehr, and she doesn’t feel it has led to any fear of flying. But she does not hide that it was not very interesting to fly alone then.
– It was really crazy. I was living in London at the time, and I had to travel there on my own from Hong Kong. I didn’t think this was funny.
Summer in Norway
This summer, there is no need for Mehri to set foot on a plane. She told TV2 that the holiday would be spent in Norway, at Tromoya’s cabin in Arendal with her boyfriend and children.

– Newly in love while recording
She also says that there are many places she wants to travel to, so she can experience it with her boyfriend.
– Italy, Spain and the USA, and I want to show him England and all the places where I was, when I lived there for eight years. A dream trip for the whole family on safari in Africa. Also Hawaii and Sri Lanka.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”