— It’s the hardest six weeks I’ve ever had, artist Jesse Malin, 56, tells the magazine Rolling Stone.
In an interview with the magazine, Malin says that a month ago he suffered a serious stroke and was paralyzed from the waist down.
A month ago, he posted on Instagram that he had to cancel all future US and UK tours due to a “serious back injury” – without specifying further.
He now says that while visiting a New York restaurant he had a spinal cord stroke, which translates directly into Norwegian as a stroke of the spinal cord.
The artist, who began his career when he was 12 years old, told the magazine that he is now confined to a wheelchair and undergoing physical therapy at a rehabilitation centre.

– I can’t do that anymore
This type of stroke occurs when blood flow to the spine is blocked, type CBS. It must be a very rare condition that accounts for only 0.3-1 percent of all strokes and heart attacks, according to the report. Northwestern Medicine.
There must be a great deal of uncertainty about his chances of being in full motion again.
– The reports from the doctors have been difficult and there are moments when you just want to cry and where you feel fear. But I kept telling myself I could do it, he told Rolling Stone, adding that he believed he could “reclaim” his body.

– It was very nerve-wracking
He is now learning in a rehabilitation center to move his body without using his legs.
However, according to CBS, his insurance does not cover rehab expenses and a fundraiser has now been set up for him.
In front of Rolling Stone, the American artist reveals that deep down inside he has been asking others for help. He himself says he finds the whole situation humiliating.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”