“Each Other” aired on TF1 this Thursday evening and, according to the body transplant films, was inspired by a successful American comedy by director Bruno Chiche.
The film, which aired on TF1 this Thursday evening, tells the story of two lovers, one played by Louis Borcoin and the other by Stephen de Croot, who each arose in their body. A body transplant, therefore, a story device with some humorous ability, has been used many times in cinema.
For his film, director Bruno Chiche had a certain note in mind. “Freaky Friday made me very motivated”, He says. “It is the story of a mother who does not understand her daughter, who finds herself in the body of this young man she cannot bear. She understands what’s going on inside her … “
In total, Freaky Friday … 10 body transfers in the movies
“With us, the problem is different, it’s about a man who doesn’t understand his mistress’ decisions. At the beginning of the film, they break up even though he finds it ridiculous.”, The filmmaker continues. “Like freaky silver, it’s true that tile: it ends up in his mistress’ body … will he get anything out of it?”
Starring Freaky Friday as My Mother, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan, released in theaters in 2003. The Disney production, an adaptation of the 1976 film starring Jodi Foster, was a huge success at the global box office, grossing over $ 160 million. It tells the story of a mother and a daughter Do not get along. One Thursday, their resentment emerges. On Friday, they each meet in each other’s bodies …
“Freaky Friday” Trailer:
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