First acting Piotr Adamczyk Won on … Birth. The future movie star was born 21 Mark 1972 r. In Warsaw. Reporters from the Warsaw Television Courier appeared at the hospital and recorded an examination left with the mothers shortly after the babies were born (previously they were taken for isolation). In an interview with Kinga Persinska on the Film School show, Pyotr Adamsik said:
He decided he wanted to be an actor in elementary school. He began his career with an episode of the series “Pogranicze w ogniu” (1991). “Carol. Man Who Became Pope” “(2004) and” Carol. In The Pope Who Reminds a Man “(2005) films II.
See: Piotr Adamczyk is not the only Polish pope. They also played the role of John Paul II
While the industrial media covers the best development of Pyotr Adamsic’s career, the gossip media focuses more on the actor’s personal life. His relationships with Magda Gessler, Agneszka Wagner, Anna Czartoryska, Weronika Rosati and Kate Rozz are even more intriguing. In June 2019, Piotr married Adamczyk for the second time. He was chosen by Carolina Simzak, a model and actress, who is 19 years younger. The two rarely talk about marriage. In early March of this year. The actor was a guest on the show “Dzień dobry TVN” and told about his biggest dream – he wants to be a father. On the 50th birthday of Piotr Adamczyk, we remind you of little known facts from Jubilarian life.
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Piotr Adamczyk is 50 years old. You do not know about that actor
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