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Police killed a pregnant woman (21)

Police killed a pregnant woman (21)

Police in Ohio released a video showing a police officer shooting a pregnant African-American woman through the windshield of her car.

The accident occurred on August 24, and both Takea Young, 21, and her unborn child died after the accident, she wrote. CNN.

Young’s family members watched the video themselves. They described the police’s actions as “criminal” and a “gross abuse of power”.

Accused of shoplifting

The 21-year-old, who was also a mother of two young children, was flagged as a shoplifter by an employee at a grocery store in Blundon Township in Columbus, Ohio.

The employee reported to the police that she had stolen several bottles of alcohol.

Brutal police video: – I don’t fight!

Young was already sitting in his car in the parking lot when a police officer approached the driver’s seat window.

– They said you stole something. He says: Get out of the car.

– I didn’t steal anything, you answer.

Furthermore, Young and the officer can be seen arguing through the folded window.

Then the situation quickly escalates.

Killed: Takea Young, 21, was six months pregnant when she was shot by police.  Photo: Courtesy of Walton + Brown, LLP

Killed: Takea Young, 21, was six months pregnant when she was shot by police. Photo: Courtesy of Walton + Brown, LLP
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– Are you going to shoot me?

Another policeman approaches the car and stands in front of the car’s windshield. He draws his gun and shouts:

Get out of that damn car.

The other officer also points a loaded gun at her, and Young can be heard in the video asking the officers: “Are you going to shoot me?”

Crazy woman's broken arm

Crazy woman’s broken arm

Shortly after, she turns the steering wheel and hits the gas pedal, slowly driving the car forward.

In the video, she hears what may be a scream from the 21-year-old, and officers yell at her to stop the car.

Just seconds later, the policeman standing in front of her car fired through the windshield.

The pregnant 21-year-old collapses onto the front seat, and the car rolls quietly over the curb and crashes into the building. The cops come down the window to arrest Young.

He died: 42-year-old Derek Scott died after being held by police for 13 minutes. And now the video of the arrest has been released. Video: Oklahoma City Police Department/AP
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The 21-year-old, who was due to die in November, was declared dead and her unborn child was in hospital shortly after the accident, according to the British Daily Mail. News agency.

Shocking photo - taken with a lie

Shocking photo – taken with a lie

The two policemen are now on paid leave while the case is being investigated.

– heartbreaking

The family’s attorney, Sean Walton, said in an interview with The Associated Press that the Takea family is devastated.

He told the media on Saturday: “The video did nothing but confirm their fears that Takieh was being killed without justification… It was heartbreaking for them to see Takieh’s life taken away from her in such absurd circumstances.”

Shocking police video: - Help, I'm paralyzed!

Shocking police video: – Help, I’m paralyzed!

In a statement issued by the family, the 21-year-old’s grandmother described Takiya as a cheerful woman who loves her family. She was also looking forward to giving a little sister to her two young sons.

– We will miss her so much. It’s tragic, but it never should have happened, says grandmother Nadina Young at a press conference on Friday.

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