In the event of winning the elections for the Ecuadorean club, José Aude Vélez wants to start a real revolution in the club and has chosen the Portuguese as a priority target for the bank.
Unemployed since Spartak left Moscow last December, Rui Vitoria may be his next home in Ecuador.
As discovered by O JOGO, the Portuguese coach has received an approach to move to Emelec if José Auad Vélez is elected president of the club in the June 20 elections.
If this scenario is confirmed, then Ruy Vitoria will be ready to listen to the circumstances at the table and get acquainted with the project that was offered to him, and among the battle horses of Velez hire Luis Suarez.
According to local newspapers, the businessman has already sent the Uruguayan, who has terminated his contract with Atletico Madrid, an offer that includes a salary of 3 million euros per year.