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Putin celebrates progress in the war.  At home, there is a bleak trend.

Putin celebrates progress in the war. At home, there is a bleak trend.

Moscow (Aftenposten): Soldiers returning home from war face big problems with their luggage. Experts talk about Ukraine Syndrome.

The short version

Andrei (37 years old) quarreled with his wife. In anger, he joined the war. A little more than a year later, he returned home. He survived. However, these experiences had serious consequences for him.

In recent weeks, Russia has made progress on the battlefield. This is what made President Vladimir Putin happy.

“Together we will win,” Putin said to applause on May 7. This was during the ceremony in which he was inaugurated for a fifth term as president.

But everything is not rosy. In the shadow of war, there is a grim development in Russia. It will cause trouble for Putin for many years to come.

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