Response to the Israeli Ambassador –

Response to the Israeli Ambassador –

I believe that any presentation of the conflict in Gaza that does not mention the “elephant in the room,” the occupation, and Israel’s provocative settlement policy, especially in the West Bank, is selective and shows tunnel vision.

With double standards glasses

Israel's response to the heinous massacre committed by Hamas is completely disproportionate and unbecoming of the civilized state that Israel always claims to be. For a state's use of armed force in self-defense against an armed attack to be lawful, it must be necessary and proportionate. There cannot be a balance between judging terrorists (Hamas) and civilized countries (Israel).

What Israel is doing now with its far-right government is pure revenge, and will only create a new generation of terrorists and more anti-Semitism.

The Israelis have no plan for what comes next. Unfortunately, releasing the hostages and stopping Hamas' rocket fire will not “solve” the problem.

First, the Israeli war must stop immediately.

Then only a two-state solution can end the violence, which includes the withdrawal of 750,000 Israeli settlers from the West Bank, who knew from the beginning that they had acted illegally in accordance with international law. There are plenty of historical precedents for such population movements.

See also  Perhaps the "error message" lured Hamas into the underground tunnels. Then he attacked Israel.

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."