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Sporting – Porto: The title was decided in Joao Rocha – handball

Sporting – Porto: The title was decided in Joao Rocha – handball

El Clásico takes place on Saturday at 6pm

The Sporting-FC Porto match on Saturday (6pm) at Pavilhão João Rocha is an authentic final that decides the national title! In the final round of the second and decisive stage, the Lions lead by two points against the Dragons, so they can play this way with two results to celebrate at home winning the cup that has eluded them since 2017/2018: victory or a draw. For Team Invicta, they are bound to win to celebrate their fifth championship.

“We believe in our abilities. The season is very positive and since this is the last match in the tournament, especially at home, we want to finish the season in the best possible way. We really want to win the tournament, it was a long shot.” Captain Salvador Salvador said on the Lions' website: “We have worked hard to get where we are now, and fortunately, the decision is in our house and we will do our best to make it ours.” About the fifth classic match this season between these two rivals: Three wins for Sporting.

The Dragons, who have not won in Joao Rocha since May 7, 2022, know they have no margin for error. Daimaru Salina, who renewed his contract this week and received praise from President Andre Villas-Boas, was the official spokesman for the ambition. “It's a final, everything is going well and I don't expect a very tactical or beautiful match. I think it will be a match of determination and heart, like almost all classic matches. Matches between Porto and Sporting are never good.” Tactically, they are always from the heart and this will be another match. It is a very important match. There is no margin for error and we are ready to go there and give everything. He told Porto website: “Experience is of great importance.” Salina said: “I think that my return and the return of Victor Iturriza can help.” “It helps the team greatly achieve this goal.”

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The meeting starts at 6pm, and you can follow all the events on the Record website.

The Sporting-FC Porto match on Saturday (6pm) at Pavilhão João Rocha is an authentic final that decides the national title! In the final round of the second and decisive stage, the Lions advance…

By Diogo Jesus