A heat wave in southern Europe has pushed temperatures to record levels in Spain, France and Germany in recent days.

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In the southern Spanish city of Jaén, 40 degrees were measured on Friday, the highest temperature ever recorded here in May.
At the same time, 41 degrees were measured in the Andalusian region. A spokesman for the Meteorological Institute Emmett told El País that the only possible explanation for the heat wave is climate change.
It was also very hot in Portugal, France and Germany. French meteorologists expect the average temperature in May to be the highest this month since measurements began, The Washington Post writes.
Heat records were also broken in Germany, with heat said to be a contributing factor to the storm and tornadoes that hit the country on Friday. More than 50 people were injured and one man died in the storm-related accident.
The heat wave hit Europe at the same time that it was also very hot in the eastern part of the United States.
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