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Tesla’s full self-driving drive is quite shocking on the day of its release [vídeo]

Tesla’s full self-driving drive is quite shocking on the day of its release [vídeo]

Tesla is responsible for changing the car market paradigm. Electric cars and semi-autonomous driving are today at the level of development they offer thanks to the company led by Elon Musk. However, the problems that occur have a significant impact and leave up in the air the question of what the future will be like where technology and software control the car more than the mechanics and the driver themselves.

On the day Tesla fully self-driving was made available to more than 285,000 people in North America, a chain shock caused by a Tesla car simply stopping was recorded on the tunnel’s video surveillance cameras, with this driving feature activated. watching video.

Video surveillance footage from the San Francisco Bay Bridge shows a Tesla Model S stopping in a tunnel in the far left lane, and the subsequent chain collision of eight cars.

The videos were exclusively released by the site The objectionIt was taken hours after Elon Musk announced on Twitter the availability of Tesla's fully self-driving system, which has been made available to more than 285,000 people in North America.

Congratulations to the Testa Autopilot / AI team for reaching an important milestone!

Soon after Elon Musk congratulates his team dedicated to developing the technology, users will start receiving it in their cars and using it. However, what the following video shows is something that turns out to be a concern for everyone on the road.

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According to a Tesla Model S driver, when driving on the road with FSD activated, the car simply veered to the far left of the tunnel and stopped, unable to continue driving.

This fault caused by the car system caused several cars to crash causing 9 injuries. The images were captured by the San Francisco Bay Bridge video surveillance system and turned over to The Intercept, after a public consultation was requested.

Tesla and automatic features under investigation

Although FSD is now available to many drivers in North America and the amazing self-driving capabilities it provides, this feature is still in beta. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said the investigation into the crash is still ongoing.

It should be noted that on December 22, it was Agency opened At least 41 investigations related to accidents involving driving Tesla vehicles with available automatic features such as automatic emergency braking, cruise control or FSD.