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The 21-year-old daughter of Carlos Cruz and Raquel Rochetta is a beautiful woman – Nacional

The 21-year-old daughter of Carlos Cruz and Raquel Rochetta is a beautiful woman – Nacional

Mariana became known to the Portuguese as a child on her mother’s lap for visiting her father in prison. Carlos Cruz, then known as Senhor Televisão, was captured as part of Operation Casa Pia and one of the remaining images from that long operation is the moment when Raquel Rocchetta visits her husband with her infant daughter in her arms, in Lisbon. correctional facility But this is my past. Time stands still and Mariana just celebrated her twenty-first birthday. The youngest daughter of Carlos Cruz (he has an older daughter, Marta, from his marriage to Marlos) grew up a woman. Brunette and beautiful like her mother, who was a model and assistant on the show ‘1,2,3’, where she fell in love with Carlos Cruz, the most powerful and well-known presenter of the show at the time.

“Congratulations, my dear daughter! May you find happiness in every second of your life,” Carlos Cruz wrote in a general congratulatory message to Mariana. The same was done by Raquel Rocchetta, who also showed her daughter’s face, in a message she shared on the fifth Sunday of this month.


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Mariana Cruz has lived away from the media spotlight. Unlike her sister, who also had a career in fashion and television, Marianna has always been very careful.

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