But although he made his way into the hearts of many women, for example in the role of the famous British spy James Bond, or the role of Butter in the movie “Mama Mia!” films, and then the private emotional life of Briton Pierce Brosnan, a story defined by tragedy and death, he writes here right now.
In 1980, Brosnan married actress Cassandra Harris, choosing to adopt her two children, Charlotte and Christopher, whom she had from a previous relationship.
– We just clicked as a family. In the beginning my name was Pierce. Then I became Abby Pierce and eventually just Abby. Charlotte and Chris have been nothing but amazing in my life, Brosnan tells The Sun.
But just a few years later, a happy family experienced a serious tragedy.
In 1987, Cassandra was diagnosed with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer, and in 1991, at the age of 43, she died of the terrible disease. Brosnan lay next to her last night.
– I was in a miserable state of confusion and anger. You ground me. You made me the man I am today. The actor and father that I am. It will forever be etched into every fiber of my being. She’s with me every day, Brosnan says in the interview, and I’ve been lucky to meet a woman like her.
However, the actor recovered from the grief, and three years after Cassandra’s death he met his current wife, Kelly Shay, whom he married in 2001. Together they have children Dylan and Paris, born in 1997 and 2001, respectively.
Unfortunately, cancer did not show its ugly face to the Brosnan family for the last time.
In 2013, Cassandra’s daughter, Charlotte, was diagnosed with the same disease that killed her mother. The same year that she was diagnosed, Charlotte died of ovarian cancer. She left behind a 15-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son, as well as her husband, whom she married a few days before her death.
Charlotte fought cancer with elegance, humanity, courage and dignity. Our hearts are full of sadness for our dear sweet girl. “We pray for her and that a cure for this damned disease will soon be found,” Pearce said at the time.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”