Josias Satire, a member of the Caterpillar Clan, an Indigenous Satire Maui, and Renan Albuquerque, a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, talk about Indigenous Organization Against Military Dictatorship and launch the book “Capi: Clan and Avian Command,” which tells this story of resistance
In Diversidade em Ciência, Ricardo Alexino Ferreira interviews Jozias Satieri, a member of the Caterpillar clan (sateré ut), an indigenous Sateré-Mawe, and Renan Albuquerque, a teacher, biologist and doctoral student at the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), Professor at UFAM and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Graduate Program in Humanities and Other Laws and Legalities at the University of the South Pacific.
The book was published by Josias Sateré and Renan Albuquerque Kappi: Clan and related leadership, released by publishers Alexa Cultural and Edua.
During the interview, they talked about the Kapi movement and the confrontation of indigenous leaders with the military dictatorship in Brazil. Josias Sateré explains: “Contrary to what official historiography states, when it positions indigenous peoples as passive beings, we, on the contrary, always struggle against the oppression they suffered, and kapi, which means leadership, has always been in the context of socio-political organization” .
Diversity in the sciences
a Diversity in the sciences It is a scientific outreach program focused on the sciences of diversity and human rights, broadcast every Monday at 1 pm, and repeated every Tuesday at 2 am, and Saturday at 2 pm, with guidance and presentation by the journalist and professor at the Egyptian Chefs Association – South Ocean University Pacific and University of the South Pacific Commission on Human Rights, Ricardo Alexino Ferreira, and Voice Operation Joao Carlos Miguel.
a Diversity in the sciences Registered in the Studios of the Department of Communication and Arts/Education at the College of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP).
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