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The teacher organizes a party for a student who has never celebrated a birthday

The teacher organizes a party for a student who has never celebrated a birthday

AndThis is the most beautiful video you will watch today. The pictures have already spread on social media, after a boy who celebrated his first birthday when he was eight years old became emotional.

The teacher prepared that moment – which was expected to be unforgettable – with the child’s other classmates, and based on their reaction, it was the best surprise she had ever received, according to the Mexican newspaper “Excelsior”.

A picture is worth a thousand words and they don’t fool. The video reveals the moment the boy arrives at his classroom and is greeted with a congratulatory song in one voice.

The boy stands at the door, realizing that his classmates remembered his birthday and prepared a surprise party for him. At that moment, the little boy puts his hands on his face and starts crying.

In the end everyone, including the teacher, applauds him and runs to embrace him. Meanwhile, there is a table at the back of the room, with a cake, and the space is decorated to the nines.

The boy’s happiness aroused the feelings of Internet users, who greatly praised the teacher’s stance.

Watch the moment in the photo gallery above.

Read also: A teacher throws water on the head of a student who was sleeping in the classroom

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