“Storm Wards Z” is supposed to be the name of the military regime that Russia has adopted in Ukraine.
The system, according to Swedish expert Jørgen Elfving, consisted of sending soldiers without proper training or effective weapons forward and straight to death.
– Incomprehensible as it may sound, it’s a brutal tactic, says the former presenter Elfving, to the Swede svt.

– He will always live with risks
– did not work
Avisa writes that Russia has spent a lot of resources investing in armed rapid reaction forces, the so-called battalion combat groups.
It’s a concept with high readiness and a lot of firepower that works well against unqualified resistance, Eflving says, and is said to have been used in the war in Georgia in 2008 and during the annexation of Crimea in 2014.
However, this tactic was not supposed to work during an all-out invasion of Ukraine, according to Elving.
But in the summer of 2022, Russia will have changed tactics and introduced the “Storm Wards Z” system.
According to a report by the think tank Royal United Institute of Services The system consists of a hierarchy where at the bottom you find soldiers destined for sacrifice.

– does not indicate strength
Cheap and simple method
In a video released by SVT, the tactic is explained.
It involves small groups of two to five soldiers who are sent on a mission to reach a specific goal. These soldiers are often without special training and with ineffective weapons.
These groups often encounter resistance and are attacked and shot at or hit with mines.
In this way, Russian forces get an overview of the opponent’s concentrations.
– It’s a cheap and simple way to get an overview of what’s going on on the opponent’s side, says the former presenter to SVT Reporter.
modes It must also be speculated as to whether their troops fired upon the returning soldiers.
However, this has not been confirmed by independent sources.
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