On Monday evening, the United Nations Security Council held an extraordinary meeting on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, which is deteriorating with each passing day.
There, China’s ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, vehemently opposed the West’s involvement in the conflict.
– This is a complicated struggle. Solving such complex problems requires calm and common sense – not gasoline on fire. It only escalates the situation, he says and continues:
– We are very concerned about the sanctions imposed by the West. It does not help, but instead leads to humanitarian consequences and huge financial losses for other countries. Sending weapons and soldiers to Ukraine makes the situation worse!
Denies sanctions
Russia’s attacks on Ukraine provoked strong reactions, and a number of countries imposed severe sanctions on Russia and supported Ukraine with money, humanitarian aid, military equipment and soldiers.
Unlike the United States, the European Union and its allies have not imposed sanctions on Russia. The authorities believe that the severe sanctions are creating new problems and hindering work towards a political agreement.

The mayor’s desperate prayer: – Hurry up!
Although China refuses to join international condemnation of the Russian invasion, John says it wants a diplomatic solution to the conflict.
– I hope Russia and Ukraine will continue negotiations. “I hope these talks will lead to peace,” he says.
He also called on the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and NATO to hold a similar dialogue between the two countries – and stresses the importance of listening to Russia’s problems as well.
– rock support stands
On Sunday, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, described Russia as the country’s most important strategic partner.
– The friendship between the two peoples is very solid, and the prospects for future cooperation between the two countries are very great, Yi said of Russia during a press conference on Sunday.
Yi stressed that China is looking forward to cooperating with the international community to “implement the necessary mediation” in the conflict “when necessary.”
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