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This homemade mixture leaves the toilet clean and smelling good

This homemade mixture leaves the toilet clean and smelling good

AndForget chemical-filled products with very strong fragrances and clean your toilet with a more eco-friendly, fragrant, home-made alternative. Does it look good to you? Try The Spruce’s suggestion. It’s very simple.

So, the ingredient list includes two cups of baking soda, a teaspoon of an essential oil that has antiseptic properties — such as tea tree or lavender — and finally, distilled white vinegar.

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Gather everything together. Then, in a glass jar with a lid, mix the baking soda and essential oil, stirring everything. According to the website, this mixture lasts for about 30 cleaning operations.

When it’s time to clean, pour a tablespoon of the baking soda mixture into the toilet bowl. Pour two cups of distilled white vinegar on top and the solution will fizz. Leave it on for 15 minutes then scrub the toilet with a sponge and flush the toilet. You can also use the mixture in your sink and shower drain.

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