It was April 15th when the country said goodbye Eunice Munoz. However, this Friday, the 29th, Antonio Munoz, The actress’s son, was on the show Julia To remember the mother.
During the interview with Julia PineroAntonio spoke about where the veteran actress would like to scatter her ashes.
“My mother, for some time, and that is what she told me a long time ago, wanted them to be scattered in the well of the house in which I was born in Amarilla, and where she was recently […] The well that she and her brother were so fond of. But this well was covered for security reasons by the current owners of the house.”She said.
“What my mother told me was that he would be great in the Amarylliga fields, and that’s enough. And that’s how it should be, that’s how it will be.”He revealed assuming that the mother’s wish would be fulfilled.
Giulia Pinheiro also questioned Antonio Muñoz about the possibility of moving to the National Pantheon.” I have no idea. If I could ask my mother today if she wanted to go to the Pantheon, she would say: “Look, not really, if you want” or “Keep the Amarilla Fields, you will see the Pantheon.” That would be a bit of an answer, I suppose, with my mother’s knowledge.”She said.
“Of course, for us, the family will be a great honor.“, he added.
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