Warmest in over 60 years

Warmest in over 60 years

– June 2024 was marked by prolonged periods of high temperatures over several days, which often exceeded the normal seasonal temperature across the country, says Kostas Lagouvardos of the Athens National Observatory Research Institute.

Forest fire: A forest fire has broken out on the Greek islands of Chios and Kos, with many people having to be evacuated. Video: Tips
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In early June, Greece experienced its first heatwave in history, with temperatures reaching 44 degrees Celsius. This led to a high risk of forest fires, and during the month, nearly 1,300 forest fires were recorded in the country.

June was the warmest June on record globally, the European Union's climate monitoring service C3S concluded on Monday.

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By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."