world of cans classic will enter the era expansion Why is the king angry? Later this year, according to Blizzard. And while the exact release date hasn’t been announced, you can actually start preparing for the beta.
On the official website of wow classicis already appearing Option to sign up for the trial version of WotLK Classic Just one click, although the content classic crusade Not completed yet.
Still need to edit part of the content from TBC Classic The classic expansion was reissued less than a year ago. Like the original version of TBC And WotLKin the mid-2000s, there was a gap of about two years, and it is likely that WotLK Classic They will be released near the end of this year – perhaps a few months after the last raid of TBCSunrise Plateau.
And what does that mean for the trial version of WotLK Classic?
with content from TBC Classic It’s still in progress, what we can do is be patient while waiting for the beta version of WotLK Classic. First there will be a test for this content from TBC And when you move to the live servers, Blizzard should move to the beta version of WotLK.
There is still no date and time for the beta version of WotLK Classicbut it is likely that soon after the arrival of the Sunuel Plateau TBC Classic. With this, players will have the opportunity to complete what they are TBC Classic They must show before they begin preparing for Northrend and raising Death Knights.
This article was originally published in English by Max Micelli At Dot Esports on April 21.
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