Actor Gerard Dorman posted a photo on Instagram in which he struggles with blackness. He describes himself as being created as Othello, the character of Shakespeare, the African hero of tragedy. Othello or Moore of Venice.
French actor Gerard Tormnon, who was controversial on social media, was black after he posted a photo of himself. A procedure commonly referred to Blackface. He describes himself as being created as Othello, the character of Shakespeare, the African hero of tragedy. Othello or Moore of Venice.
Considered a practical racism
In order for a person to obscure it, to make fun of a race in order to make it look like a real or imaginary person, or even to “pay homage” to it, it is called a black face.
A practice that is considered racist by some. But Gerard Thorman, who was fired about his photo, was later fired: “But what are you talking about with me? […] I am a free actor. “
Gerard Thorman Comments.
The controversy is growing on Twitter
Despite the actor deleting the photo from his Instagram account, Twitter users continue to spread it and comment.
I don’t wake up tweeting, I look at the Dorman actor and I adore playing a black face in order to represent Othello.
No reasons and / or sympathy, you may have encouraged a black face.
I go back to bed– Onespa (@ Onspa 1) April 6, 2021
Explain to them 100 million times that this is the racist practice used by American separatists to mock black people in the 18th century. Tell them that putting black on your skin is not a “disguise” and it is not art. # Thorman #Blockface
– Marvan BM (nd indigo_light) April 6, 2021
The personalities who commented on the release of Gerard Dormon have also been isolated for racism.
Comment by arddouard Baer
In 2017, world champion Antoine Griezmann also had to apologize after a black face when he wanted to “dress up” as a basketball player for Harlem Globrotters.
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